Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dhumba Lake Jomsom

Location : Dhumba Lake / Dhumpha Lake
Elevation: Around 2900 meters above sea level
Treak Rout : Jomsom
Trek Distance : 5 KM

An amazing view of Dhumba Lake, situated near the Jomsom in Mustang, as captured on 15 Oct. 2016 by Rambabu Nepal
Dhumba Lake is a beautiful, natural water lake situated at the base of Mount Nilgiri. The lake can be reached by foot from Jomsom Mustang. We can start the trek by reaching Jomsom. Dhumba Lake is a sacred Buddhist lake and for the same reasons, the lake was fenced with prayer flags. There is an interesting story behind this lake as per the local community. Legends say that the lake water once turned red on its own and only after long, devoted religious ceremonies performed by Tibetan Buddhists that the water returned to its natural color. So it’s been considered a scared lake since then and according to some locals the fish from the lake is never consumed. Some locals claim to come here in order to pray for same sort of change in their lives for their betterment. There is a gompa  called Kuchup Terenga Gompa (approx. 2900mtr) about fifteen minutes of uphill walk from the lake. All the religious rituals at the gompa are initiated by using the scared water from the lake as a form of religious offering.

The lakeside is perfect for spending afternoon amongst picturesque snow-clad peaks and spectacular views of the valley. A calm and pleasant place to relax, it is a worthy stopover if you’re in Jomsom.  If you wish to go up to the gompa, you can have even more striking 360 degree view of the area. The sacred lake is truly a mesmerizing treat to the eyes and so is the whole trek. The apple orchards and the mud houses of the Thini Village are magnificent and give a good peek into the Mustang culture. It is believed that the Thini Village overlooks the old salt trade route between Tibet and Nepal.

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